Today I joined the 7 day blogging challenge put together by the incredible Alex Beadon. I’ve being following her for a few years and love her energy – She also has some great business advice. When she sent out her challenge this afternoon I was all in! Today is an introduction to me and my blog so whether you’re new or have been here before you will find out something about me!
Conversations with Caroline is written by me – Caroline or Caz to my mates! I am the founder and face of this blog. I love to write and I am also writing a screenplay at the moment. In a couple of weeks I am heading to London for a huge conference all about screenwriting where I hope to pick up tips to make it even better. I also enjoy fitness and after some slacking recently and a bit of weight gain which I am not too pleased about I am getting myself fit again. My favourite things to do include reading, watching films and good TV shows. I also love meals and wine. Wine is certainly a firm favourite!
I have been blogging for a year, I’d thought about it years ago and didn’t know how to go about it or what I would write about. Although I wish I had started sooner, if I had it’d probably be cringeworthy now! My degree is in creative writing and with a hectic schedule having a blog is a good place to be able to write. I also have an online health and wellness business and I thought it would be another avenue to share this, although I haven’t done too much of that in case it comes across too salesy!
I blog for me – So I can look back and remember the good things I’ve done. I also want to inspire other women to have a good, fun life. I believe life is for doing things you enjoy and which make you happy.
I am proud of where I have come in these last few years since owning my own business. I have really worked on my own self development and I have a lot more confidence. I can now confidently stand in front a room full of people to give a presentation – A few years ago I wouldn’t speak to people never mind a room full of them! Tonight I went to a networking event on my own (the picture above is before I set off) which was scary but I survived and enjoyed it. I do network a lot but usually go with someone so it was a bit daunting on my own.
My aim is for people to feel happy and inspired when they read my blog, so much so that they keep coming back for more. I have loved writing my blog so far and I can’t wait to see it develop even more.
I have a degree in Creative Writing too! Go you heading out to that networking event on your own. 🙂
Short, simple, & perfect! My end goal is also for people to leave inspired! Looking forward to your future posts 🙂 #FeelGoodBloggers
Thank you 🙂