I am currently in the middle of my Trigger Your Blog, blogging challenge. I was browsing my Archives this morning and I noticed the date for my first ever blog post on Conversations with Caroline was the 7th October 2013 – Today’s date! As I don’t believe in coincidences, I felt the need to share my experience of starting a blog with no idea what I was doing to running a blogging challenge and creating a blog course!
I never imagined this is where writing a blog would lead me.
Before publishing the first blog post on Conversations with Caroline, I created a WordPress blog and another blog. Plus, I had written a number of other posts for different business owners. So it’s not the anniversary of my first ever blog post but it is the first one on my lifestyle blog.
When I hit publish on that first post I was pretty nervous. I had finally made the decision to create a blog and I had lofty dreams of where this might lead me. My initial reason for blogging was to share my business journey, then I wanted to write about health, then travel. Somewhere along the way, I got lost with what to write about. I had little confidence and limited consistency. However, I persevered. I worked out a way to balance all the different things I do. I found what I love to write about and my confidence grew and continues to grow.
I consumed as much as I could about blogging, I read blog posts, watched videos and took courses. I believe in always learning. I was able to find my blogging passion. I learnt how to become consistent and to not feel stressed about my blog.
A few days ago I blogged about the evolution of my blog and I can feel a huge shift coming. There is no better time than now, a significant date in my blogging journey to really begin to develop this.
As it’s also a Friday it feels like a day to celebrate, cheers!
When did you first start blogging? Do you think these kind of dates are significant? I’d love to read your thoughts in the comments below!
This blog post was inspired by my Trigger Your Blog blogging challenge.
Congratulations on you Blogging Anniversary 🙂
Thank you 🙂