Have you been thinking about starting your own blog? I love writing my own blog, it’s something I wish I’d started doing even sooner than I did. One of the things which held me back at the beginning was not knowing how to actually get a blog on the internet. Until a few years ago I had no understanding of how websites worked or what you had to do. It was a steep learning curve in the beginning and I spent a lot of time watching YouTube videos and searching Google!
It’s so fun having a blog of your own and it can be your own space on the internet to share your thoughts, views and anything you want! Once you have created your blog it will be yours forever.
Setting Up Your New Blog
To save you the headache of working out setting up your blog yourself I have put together a 5-day course to help you go from having no blog to a full working blog which is ready for you to share with the world! You can click here to receive day 1 instantly, followed by emails for the next 4 days.
Each day has quick and easy actionable steps to help you get started. I talk you through finding a domain name (the name for your blog), to setting up a WordPress website and finishing with you writing your first blog post.
If you’ve always wanted to start a blog, now is your time to get started. I can’t wait to see what you create! To make sure you are not overwhelmed I have split up my Setting Up Your Blog free course so in a few days you will be ready to go.
Once you have put your blog on the web, ensure you let me know and comment below with your new blog name and link.
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