When I started blogging almost a year ago I had no idea what I was doing! I began to blog as a reason to write regularly. Since then I have continued to look at ways I can improve and grow my blog. I believe no matter where you are in life you can always learn. If we stop learning, we stop growing and move backwards.
For a while on Twitter I have been following Elizabeth at Rosalium. I am not sure how I found her but she caught my eye due to a blogging conference she was running called Blognix. Unfortunatly I already had commitments when the conference was being run but I would love attend the next one!
Elizabeth shared she was starting her Big Blogging Bootcamp. It was a 30 day course and sounded just up my street! Each day we were sent an email with tasks to do for our blog. Some of these were physical changes, some where thinking about what we were doing and where we wanted to go. All were very useful.
A few times I got behind as I wasn’t able to work on my blog everyday but this was ok as I could do the tasks in my own time. There was also a Facebook group for everyone taking part and here we shared stories, asked questions and helped each other out. It was a great 30 days and I feel I really improved my blogging skills and afterwards I had a greater idea what my blog was about and where I want it to go. I wasn’t too far off track but Conversations with Caroline is certainly now more of a lifetyle blog with travel, fitness and health all thrown in!
The bootcamp finished in July and now Elizabeth has launched 3 new blogging programs. These are 3 different e-courses aimed at whatever your level is now. The first is Beginners Breakthrough Blogging, followed by Boost Your Blog and finally Broaden and Branch Out. Depending on where you are in your blogging career you can do all 3 in order or choose the one which is right for you now. Each course has its own Facebook group where you can talk all things blogging, asks questions and share your favourite posts each week. Each course is 5 weeks long and you get tasks 5 times a week so if you get behind you have the weekend to catch up!
I am taking part in Boost Your Blog as I feel I have now mastered the basics and I need to work on more details and as I said at the beginning there is always room for improvement. I would also like to do Broaden and Branch Out in the Future.
I would highly recommend taking part in the new and improved Blogging Bootcamps if you are looking to grow your blog. If you would like more information or to sign up you can click here. (affiliate link).
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