I was never one of those people who knew what they wanted to do as a career. Everytime I saw a careers advisor or did one of those job tests I got different answers. Eventually things began to work out for me. Now I write this blog and run different businesses but things weren’t always so rosy.
When I was at school I never wanted to go to university but it felt like that’s what I had to do and I was pushed towards it by the school system. I did get into a uni but before the course started I pulled out. I was fortunate to have a job already. Since the age of 14 I’d worked with my step-dad at Pennine Cycles during Saturdays and holidays so I was able to keep this work on.
I decided to go to Australia for a few months and this was a great experience. When I returned I saw an advert for a course on Personal Training and massage. I’d once had an idea of being a physiotherapist and so the massage appealed to me. I did a 12 weeks intensive course and suddenly I was a qualified PT! I dabled a little bit with PT and massage but I think i was too young to make it work. Although now I am using these skills over on Voltage Sport, so nothing is ever wasted.
Not long after I began temping, working in the bike shop still on a weekend. I got a longterm office job working for a third party mortgage company. This was ok but I always felt there must be more. I moved around departments and then moved to social services. Apart from 6 months I always worked on a temporary contract. I learnt lots of skills at all the jobs and certainly working in repossession and children at risk teams I learnt a lot about life!
I came to a crossroads where I was offered a permanent job at social services and I really didn’t want it! So I decided to finally go to university – At the time I thought at least I would study something i enjoyed for 3 years even if I then had to go back to work until I retired! I had a mortgage by now so worked 3 part-time jobs and made it through uni!
In my final year I was introduced to Arbonne, a network marketing company with incredible products. At first I had no interest but then I realised this could be what I’d always been looking for just in a different package! This was the chance to start my own business with support and help from others. I jumped straight in and combining this with working at Pennine Cycles I was able to not apply for another office job!
What I learnt when I started my business in partnership with Arbonne was how important it is to develop myself, to keep learning and work on both my strengths and weaknesses. I began working for myself 4 years ago, since then I have also started this blog and I now have other projects and businesses too! I shared more about what I do in my last post.
Being an entrepreneur and working for myself is the best thing ever. I wish I could have done it sooner but I have my own journey. What is great is through Arbonne I can help mentor other people to start their own business, like me. Many people start their business part-time alongside what they already do.
I love being my own boss, it’s so much fun! I love I can take time off when I want and not have to ask, I can travel the world and work from wherever I want! I can work flexibly – If I have a Wednesday off I will put time in on a Sunday or evening to catch up, it’s not a problem!
If you are thinking of starting your own business I hope you will give it a go, it’s always better to do it and it not work out than live with regret.
If I can help in anyway or if you would like to find out more about starting a business in partnership with Arbonne, with me as your mentor get in touch!
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