May hasn’t been the most exciting month when it comes to fitness. Last month, after a trip away, I got back into my fitness grove. I feel like May has just been a month of doing some steady exercise but nothing too strenuous. Due to a couple of injuries there was a also a lesson in listening to our bodies!
The Classes
This month I stuck to my usual classes of circuits, body combat and spinning. I’ve done these classes most weeks. I enjoy circuits as it’s a good mix of cardio and weights – Especially body weight exercises which I need to improve on. The other two classes are good for my cardio. I really want to work on increasing my general fitness levels this summer.
The Run
The weather in May has not been great and I was looking forward to starting to do more exercise outside. I only managed 1 outdoor run and so I did a couple of runs on the treadmill too. It’s too hard to set off outside if the weather is wet and cold! The outdoor run I did I enjoyed, I just ran my usual route around the village and did it in a good time – I also made it all the way up the hill without stopping!
The Weights
Lifting weights has been a disaster this month! At the beginning of the month myself and Keil decided to get back into our routine. When I lift weights I see the most change to my body shape. However Keil pulled a muscle in his neck when we were doing shoulders so he took some time off (which meant I did too). Then after he had recovered we went back to the weights room a couple of weeks on and I hurt my back. The car door smacked me as I got out and it must have hit a nerve as my arm felt funny. I had to listen to my body and go home! Thankfully we are both ok now so next month we will get back into lifting weights properly!
That’s been it for fitness this month, as I said I have just been keeping things steady and constant. In June I am getting a new bike and so I’m looking forward to spending more time exercising outside. I’m feeling optimistic the sun will come out! I also want to get back into lifting weights a couple of times a week – Injury free!
What fitness fun have you had in May? Share below!
[…] last months fitness fun I said I was looking forward to working out in June injury free – Well sadly that […]