Having been building businesses in the online world for many years I’ve seen different trends come and go but something I believe should always be here and not be a trend is being yourself online.
When you are yourself it helps you to connect with others in a more meaningful way, it builds trust and to be honest, it’s a much more enjoyable experience for you when interacting online.
I think there is so much out there about faking it until you make it and whilst I understand the sentiment, it can also be one of the reasons people are not being their true selves.

Be yourself
Being yourself doesn’t mean you have to share everything about your life. Instead, it means that what you do share should be you. Keep it real and be authentic – Although authenticity itself has become a bit of a buzzword in the online business world it doesn’t mean you don’t want to do it.
Share what you want about your real-life and test out the different platforms such as Instagram, Twitter, Facebook and the like.
It can be scary to be yourself as there can be negativity online and people find it easier to hide behind their screens. However please don’t let this hold you back. You can’t worry too much about other people and instead, you want to make the online world a pleasurable experience for you and by doing this you will attract people who can’t get enough of the content you are creating!
Now I am not saying you can’t edit things. You might not want to share everything that happens in your life or pop a filter on your photo to improve it. I am talking about sharing your personality and what makes you tick.
When you show yourself as who you are, this is when good things can happen. My overall feeling of using the online space should be to do things that make you feel good – Especially when building your own brand.

If you want to make a living online, then why not turn every day and be you?
No matter your niche and industry there will likely be lots of people doing similar things to you. Creating similar content on social media, talking about the same topics and selling products almost the same as you.
The way to stand out is by being yourself. You are the difference so it’s time to embrace that and go out and be yourself online today!